Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I bought a GPS the other week. Between running to see Jacy and probably crashing at various people's houses, going down to Virginia to see Aubrey (who, hearing the stern GPS lady voice tell me what to do, realized she too can boss me around) and finding my way to familiar places, I can't be distracted by trying to read directions from google maps hastily written on a cardboard flap from a beer case. I need my hands free to steer, find songs on the ipod, light cigarettes, balance slushies, send text messages, change which station the ipod is playing on, and switch chargers to keep everything up and running.
But the GPS really does help. Last night I couldn't have checked the mail without it. I arrived home around 2am (no, not because I stayed at the bar until last call...I was at a bar that was an hour away, thank you), and had my hands full with various devices and charger, and being unable to reach my cell to use as a flashlight, I managed my way using the glow of the GPS.
Just tonight, rather than stumbling back to my room in the dark, I used my computer screen to find my way, which lead me to another thought...with all of these light emitting devices so close at hand, I'm never going to evolve into anything bioluminescent. Depressing really.

Also, next time I go to a concert and want to ruin the entire evening for everyone, instead of a lighter, do I hold up a cell phone or something else?

1 comment:

lotz said...

Just start ingesting some of the glowing devices you use. Eventually you'll probably start glowing.