Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip

My newest in English rap:

Running vs. drinking.

I've been jogging a lot...about 90 miles in the past two months. I had been training for a Stoudt's 10k run in September, but after further research, I've discovered that it was a one time event that had taken place in 2006. I have no real plans to enter any other races, as that was the only one sponsored by a brewery.

Anyway, I've discovered that running is kind of like drinking in a few ways ways (yes, going for a jog just about every day gives you plenty of time to think.)

First of all, you feel good initially, if you do too much of it, or eat the wrong thing, you end up throwing up. Although while running you'd puke in someone's front yard, opposed to the bark yard, where most drinking voms occur. Although puking in a field can be achieved in both categories.

You wake up the next day feeling like crap. Especially if you haven't done it for awhile. You wake up dehydrated and sore after falling asleep early.

There are two different ways to test your skill. Speed and endurance. Sometimes you pace yourself to see how many miles/beers you can do. Other days you go all out, knowing that you're going to be a mess shortly, but you go out at a pace you can't possibly maintain to see how quickly you can drink/run.
However, when doing one, you can't completely discount the other. No one is impressed by how quickly you can chug half a beer, if you can walk 6 miles in a day, how fast you can run 30 feet, or if you can drink a case over the course of a week. You need a respectable amount in the shortest amount of time.

Finally, I think that competitive results should be grouped by weight, not age. When running, it doesn't matter how old someone is, if they weigh 150lbs, they're obviously going to beat me. If you're drinking, a 240lb freshman is going to be able to out drink a 145lb senior.
While I guess I could find another suitable race to run, I'd much rather be compared to other fat people who are running rather than fit people my age.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


goodysmack: i had this dream last night where you, rod, miller and brett were playing this game in my front yard when i got home
goodysmack: and it involved throwing a tennis ball into the air, then jumping to catch it and you had to yell KAZAAM before you landed with it or else you'd get smeared by everyone
goodysmack: but sometimes instead of catching it, you would want to bat it....i dont remember the object of the game...i guess you dont either?
legerlotz: hahahahah
legerlotz: what the hell?
goodysmack: i donno
legerlotz: KAZAAAM!!!
goodysmack: i remember it being fun
goodysmack: and miller was really good at it
legerlotz: so we actually played this game?
goodysmack: well....yes, in my dream
legerlotz: haha
goodysmack: wait..its not a dream
goodysmack: more of a vision
legerlotz: haha
legerlotz: wait wait wait
legerlotz: thats it
legerlotz: we need to play this game for real now
legerlotz: lets make rules when we get home
legerlotz: write everything down you remember
goodysmack: haha
goodysmack: i just saw you guys playing
goodysmack: you'd throw the ball straight up into the air
goodysmack: a tennis ball
goodysmack: then everyone would jump for it, and the person who caught it would yell KAZAAM
legerlotz: hahahaha
legerlotz: thats the best part
goodysmack: but sometimes people would bat it back up into the air
goodysmack: about this...its kinda like australian rules football
legerlotz: haha
goodysmack: we have teams
goodysmack: and you have to advance into the goal
goodysmack: and the ball cant touch the ground or its a turnover
legerlotz: ok
legerlotz: haha
legerlotz: can you carry the ball? or hold it?
goodysmack: so the thrower throws the ball up, and his teammates go for it
goodysmack: no...cant run
goodysmack: can run
legerlotz: hahaha
goodysmack: unless you yell kazaam
legerlotz: and then what happens
goodysmack: which is like a fair catch, and you have a free throw from there
legerlotz: aha
legerlotz: so the games name is kazaam then?
goodysmack: well yeah
legerlotz: excellent
legerlotz: gotta run
goodysmack: this was the best thing weve ever been sent from above
goodysmack: ok....spread the word
legerlotz: will do
goodysmack: later

further rules: If you don't yell "kazaam," you can run with the ball. However, if you are tackled while in possession of the ball, it is a turnover.

The ball must be thrown overhand, and at least at a 60 degree angle to create jump balls, no just direct passes. This rule will be loosely enforced and considered a point of gentleman's honor.

...of course these rules (as written in the prophecy) will have to be test played and then augmented to fit human limitation, as we can not possibly be held to the same standards as the gods who infiltrated my dreams.)

The real question is: will the other coaches be willing to forgo coaching rugby for a few weeks while I iron out the kinks in the game using the Swarm Rugby girls as a focus group?

Dreams from HS

There was a sofa at Kurt's house that we all had weird dreams on it whenever we fell asleep on it..this is one of mine from HS that we wrote down:

I was at a party at Kim's house, and I was asleep on the sofa with Kim. She got up and sat on the back of the sofa and I got a blanket, but when I rolled over, Jenn was sitting on the back of the couch. We went outside on a castle turret and she was wearing Nicole's prom dress. I kissed her once, and stopped to fix my lip ring. i couldnt get it and Some guy came with one ring through 2 holes walked up and tried to help me...then i realized that he was standing on the ground and saw he had 20' legs. He just shrugged and ducked inside. I went to look for him, but Sean and My dad (who was dressed up) came looking for me. I went outside and Sean said i could leave with him and i was carrying a pillow. I just threw the pillow towards the house to leave it there, but it hit this caterer thing and i ran away and saw bretts car with the hood up (the wrong direction, like the hinges were in the front). I went to ask him what was wrong with it and he was standing by lex's van watching little black kids play bball.