Friday, February 29, 2008

A Toute Le Monde...

I guess I better keep posting content, or people who read my blog will stop checking it, right?

I've decided that life is, in fact, a game. Not that I've ever taken anything seriously....but yeah, I'm trying to lose some weight, which is fun when you're fat, because with some well focused exercise and watching what you eat, you can practically stand on the scale and watch it spin backwards.

I found a site I used when I was in England, You enter what you eat and what you do, and then has graphs for if you're getting enough of various nutrients, calories burned v. consumed, etc. But yeah, it's like a game. Eat less than you burn!! While this is the base concept of weight loss, it's much more fun when you have numbers and charts. The best thing is, I think I'm addicted to it. I'll go for a run in the morning, do pushups and situps at random throughout the day, and if I'm bored at night, I check my calories and decide I'd win big if I go to the gym and ride a bike to nowhere for half an hour.

And just like a game, there's ethics. You get X amount of calories burned from your base, a.k.a. how many calories your fat ass burns just by existing, and then you select a lifestyle from sedentary, some activity, active, very active, which figures out how many calories you burn during your every day routine. Now here's the bit I refuse to take part in. When inventorying your activities from the day, you can include anything. Seriously. i.e. Going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, showering, and various other things that obviously should be included in your lifestyle. You can even include eating as an activity. I feel that's just cheating to include eating. If you could burn a significant amount of calories by eating, I could have starred in Schindler's List my senior year of high school.

The other part of my life that I've made into a game is money. That started ever since my crappy 5 branch bank went online. I used to have to pay for things by taking money out of an ATM and paying with cash. Now I just use my debit card and check my bank account all the time. It's no longer money, it's a score! If your score is higher than someone else's, you're beating them...unless you're not materialistic and shallow....

two thoughts from this blog:
1)Today I lowered the heat in the apartment to 60 degrees. The thinking is that if I'm cold, I'm more likely to be active and not just lay around. Second, if it's warm, my body has to do less work to keep to maintain 98 degrees. Thus, the colder it is, my shiver reflex will burn calories trying to keep warm. I would go cooler than 60, but it's as low as my thermostat goes. I asked my landlord if he could adjust that, but he said no. Something about the pipes.

2)Next Christmas, I'm gonna confront one of those bell-ringers from the Salvation Army and break it to them that their profits are presumably down because nobody has change anymore. Cold, Hard Currency is obsolete...and it sucks, I can't save it in a big jar because I never have any shrapnel because you don't get change from using plastic. But I digress, I'm going to tell those annoying-do-good-ers that instead of a change bucket, they should have a swiper thing that I could just run my card and it would charge it a dollar, because then I would donate. Unless I had to sign something or put in my pin. That would just take too long.

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