Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It's a hard knock life

Life at the orphanage has been pretty so-so this week. My experience as captain of the rugby team has allowed me to rise quickly in the ranks of my street urchin rabble. I've instituted newspaper selling as a guise for our pickpocket operation.

However, the adoption process isn't going so well. Most of the people who come in tend to take the cuter, younger children. Also, most of the prospective seem to be either younger couples or older single women, while I'm sort of hoping to be adopted by either jungle animals or pirates.


Lex Pelger said...

In a gesture of irony, I hope tigers adopt you and then eat you. Serves you right. By the way, I'll be in Africa within the month with no tigers around. You're going to lose a bet.

Goody said...


lotz said...

Wow... well played. Man, I hope those Chinese tigers are as dumb as their human counterparts.