Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm lazy

yeah, i went into another period of neglecting my blog. I've been kinda busy.

1)I've been working a few days a week. Breaking rules, closing pools. My new favorite situation is when a customer calls and says that their automatic cleaner isn't working properly. We go out, and of course, to their dismay, "of course it works when you're here!" We stand there and watch for it to go in circles, get stuck on the drain, only do the deep end, etc. but it never does. Because it's not broken. They just don't understand that it's random, so its not going to zip all over the pool picking up spots of dirt. You tell them this, and they swear it happens all the time. Then you point out how clean the pool is, and they go "oh, it works great, I love it, it just [reason they think it's broken]" and never seem to realize that they just exclaimed that it's not broken. Then I pretend to adjust something and tell them to call again if they notice it's not cleaning the pool.

2) My long-distance not-official girlfriend broke up with me...or whatever it is they do when it's not official. However, this continues the streak of girls I've been interested in who "don't want a boyfriend right now." I understand this is often code for "you're funny and cool to hang around, but after you have a few beers, the way you look at me kind of scares me. And you sweat a lot. A Lot," but obviously that's not always the case, as some of them let on them. I wonder if it's me, or if I have some uncanny ability to spot girls who truely don't want relationships.

3)I bought an iPhone. It's pretty cool, but I miss coming home and going "I wonder if anyone e-mailed me?!" But now the excitement is gone. I already know that only Apple (wanting to sell me an ipod touch), my bank (with an exciting new offer/change in terms), and a J.D. Salinger mailserver I joined in college have tried to contact me.

um. that's all I can think of right now. Jacy should be home next week...I'm excited/terrified. It'll be the greatest thing that ever happened to me to have her living with me. It'll be hell when relatives come every night to "visit" aka sit around and force awkward conversation all night so I can't get shit done and/or drink heavily. Um, that's about all for now, although I have some funny conversations.

Aunt: "Now I don't want to nag you like your mom, but you haven't been drinking too much have you?"
Goody: "Oh, well yeah...but not anymore than usual."

Neighbor: "Let us know if you need anything"
Goody: "I think I'm fine, Jacy and Steve might like some meals when they move in."
Neighbor: "Ok, Whatever you need!"...starts to walk away..."is your lawn mower still working?"

...yeah, I guess I should take a hint and get on that. One more mow before snowfall should be fine, right?

1 comment:

BrewerDan23 said...

are you in for survivor pool morra? please say yes, itll make your colts and jaguars and steelers games interesting this season.