Monday, August 04, 2008

Iggy & the Stooges

So I'm hanging around on Saturday, and Dana mentions that she had won tickets to go see Iggy & the Stooges open for the Killers that evening, but she was probably not going to go for some stupid reason that I don't quite understand, and while I'm thankful for the tickets, still can't help but question her devotion to Iggy Pop.

Anyways, the show was great, Iggy has somehow lived to 61, but overall it was a very weird experience. I'm used to big sell-out stadium shows, with parking lots brimming with denim, camo, and black t-shirts. It was a bit shocking to find ample parking, as many spaces are usually lost to canopies flying confederate flags. No one in the parking lot even tried to get me stoned as we walked in, or even offered a shot of cheap warm vodka from a solo cup.

Inside was more bizzare. It may have been me, having never been sober to a concert before, but I can't imagine how people thought they were going to mosh with all the blankets and lawnchairs all over. Not to mention little kids running around, maybe there would be a kiddy mosh pit or something.

Anyways, after watching a shitload of 15-19 year olds hop wildly up and down to four poppy Killers' songs did I didn't know, Sean and I left, as some of us have to be up for work from time to time.

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