Friday, August 08, 2008

Shaw shaws seashaws by the Shawshore. Shaw.

I'm headed to the beach for a week with former roommate Danial Shaw, future father of Rickshaw Shawnshaw Shaw-Shaw. Oh, and his entire family will be there, which should make this much more interesting.
The Shaw parents love me for some reason which I cannot understand, as I cannot help but feel partially responsible for introducing Dan to the rugby team.
Also along will be Jenna, who despite living with Dan for a year and having been to the Shaw household on numerous occasions, I believe I have seen once, sitting in a car. Dan claims to have friends dating back to high school who have seen her less.
Krista, the youngest sister, is terrified of me. Both of the Shaw girls work part time for Dan, who offers them pittances to do what he's too lazy to do, which is just about everything from cleaning feret cages to getting food from the fridge, so I can only imagine they're in a higher tax bracket than Dan.
Also playing a prominent role in this fiasco will be Berber and Kate Re. With their help, my only memories of this trip will be from blog posts...assuming I can a)type b)steal interweb.

Previous quotes to prelude this trip (we need a name. suggestions? Swimmin' with the Shaws?)

Dan: "My mom was mad that I didn't give her 24 hours notice that I was coming to see you so that she could cook you food."
Goody: "My mom loves me more than you."
Dan: "She said your long hair makes you look like a European model."

Krista (having not ever seen Goody with any hair): "Who are you?"
Goody: "Goody."
Krista: (shrieks and runs behind a group of friends who follow her out of the room.)

Aight, I'm gonna get out of here. Lata suckas.

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