Saturday, August 09, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Berber is Extremely Hated

10. Leaped onto my "weight sensitive" hammock
9. Broke a bottle rocket.
8. Clumsily pulled out my laptop, GPS and phone charger in a matter of 8 seconds. The outlets are hard to get to.
7. Passed out early
6. Constant "I don't feel well" pungent farts
5. Lack of Tactical vest
4. Mouth Breathing
3. "On our way to Cape May"
2. Locked us out on the 2nd story deck, then came out without unlocking the door, chronically locking us all out
1. Wasted a tomato.

Back story:
Mrs. Shaw: "Does anyone want anything?"
Berber: "Can I just have a tomato?"
Mrs. Shaw: "Sure, just sliced?"
Berber: "yeah"
...ten minutes later
Berber: "Hey mom, where's that tomato?"
Mrs. Shaw: "You're not going to waste one if you're just going to drink beer!"

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